Type of Spell: Ritual
Spell Power Ranking: B
Casters Required: 1 or more
Description: The caster(s) summon a fiery storm that rains down droplets of flame within a 1-mile radius. The rain burns with an intensity of 300°C, scorching everything it touches. If multiple casters are involved, the droplets grow larger, and the area of effect can expand up to 1 mile per caster. While the fire is non-discriminatory, raining on all within its range, the casters can alter the pattern of the rain to create "safe zones" where no fire will fall.
Mana Cost: Medium to High, depending on the number of casters
Limitations & Side Effects:
Lasts for 10 turns.
Casters must remain within 1 mile of the ritual area, and they are not immune to the fire unless wearing flame-resistant gear or magic.
Additional casters increase the rain density and extend the area up to 1 mile per caster with a max of 10 miles.
After the ritual, the casters are left physically drained, reducing their combat abilities by 25% for 10 turns.
Wind magic C rank or higher can reduce the rain’s intensity. Water magic of B rank or higher can extinguish the flames.
Cooldown: 5 days
Requirements: Requires 5 pounds of sulfur.