Type of Spell: Ritual
Spell Power Ranking: B
Casters Required: 1 or more
Description: This spell summons a blood rainstorm over a 2-mile radius centered on the caster. The rain grows denser closer to the center, and any surface touched by the blood becomes slick, making movement difficult. The rain can also act as a conduit for blood-based spells, increasing their potency within the storm. If at least 3 casters participate, the storm carries a faint aura that demoralizes enemies, lowering their combat efficiency by 10% for every 5 turns they remain within its range.
Mana Cost: Medium
Limitations & Side Effects:
Must be cast outdoors, with clouds overhead to initiate.
The storm lasts for 1 hour per gallon of blood used.
Each additional caster expands the radius by 0.5 miles, up to a maximum of 5 miles, and increases the demoralizing effect by 5%.
The casters are not immune to the slippery effects or debuff unless wearing protective gear.
If any caster breaks concentration, the storm will end prematurely.
Cooldown: 2 days
Requirements: At least 1 gallon of blood