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R - Amethystmanaite

Mineral Name: Amethystmanaite.

Color: Crystalline Purple.

Mineral Location: Deserts and volcanic land.

Mineral Rarity: Rare

Moh Hardness Ranking: 8

Melting Point: 2300°C

Solubility: Insoluble

Market Value: 2 Gold.

Description: Amethystmanaite is a rare gemstone that naturally forms within the ground near volcanic land or area were lava has flowed once. As the name would imply, Amethystmanaite is formed from Amethysts that have been exposed to a large amount of mana over time, naturally absorbing and changing due to this exposer and taking on magical properties. This process is natural, and happens at random, as such replicating the process isn't possible, which makes the gemstone sought after for its magical properties and beautiful appearance. The gemstone is said to have properties that allows it to sooth the emotions of those around it or aid in the absorption of negative emotions, allowing one to attain balance with their emotions.

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